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The One Hour Wait On the Phone! (Part One)

Thursday, 20 June 2024

We both received a letter from HMRC(His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) informing us that they had written to us before (never heard from them) and that we owed them some money. They had apparently overpaid me in working tax credits when I was still working 10 years ago. I was grateful that the amount wasn’t a big. It was equivalent to one and a quarter week’s of shopping bill. We don’t get any benefits from HMRC and I like it that way but also didn’t want to owe them any money so I was keen to return the money to them ASAP and set about working on it.

According to the letter, I could do it online but for some strange reason the letter didn’t contain the 16 digit reference number that I needed. It was the same with automated payment. If you didn’t have the 16 digit reference number you are doomed.

I had a bright spark moment and so resorted to twitter or x as it is now known. I do have a X account for these purposes! Not a peep.

The vicar, because of my current health condition wasn’t keen for me to phone HMRC because one has to wait ages and the line often got disconnected. I had to do it behind his back! I waited for him to leave before I got into action….. To be continued tomorrow……