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We Want A Little Of The Good Things Too….

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

It was Trooping the Colour on Saturday, the official birthday of the monarch.

As expected, all eyes were on the Royal family especially the two members who are battling health issues.

As I was following the commentary, I couldn’t help but wonder why we the ordinary citizens of this country don’t get easy access to the doctors like they do.

I know of many who have had to plead with their respective surgeries for a single doctor’s appointment! For some it is often too late by the time they get to see a doctor.

I remember reading about a newspaper columnist who had suspected food poisoning and ten days later was still waiting for an appointment! He later wrote that after ten days in agony, the condition was slowly beginning to sort itself out!

Last year, I had to go abroad to see a doctor. We were already on holiday so I decided to see a private GP after waiting for so long for an appointment. I had been ringing the surgery since January for an appointment for a skin condition but they were always short staffed and were only attending to emergencies! You go to the pharmacy for them to tell you that this should be seen by a doctor! By the time, I saw my foreign GP, my skin condition had not only gotten worse but has now left me with permanent scars!

We don’t need all that the Royal family has. Access to a doctor would be good enough.