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Old Dog Needs New Tricks

Photo by Castorly Stock on Pexels.com

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

We have been without a cleaner for almost a year now. The vicar says the house is much cleaner without a cleaner. How is that possible? I am a clean freak who used to keep 10 bottles of bleach in case I run out. I now stick to three!

One of the main reasons for the need of a cleaner is my health but it was proving to be nigh impossible to find a cleaner in our part of the world. In any case, we have gotten used to life without a cleaner. This means that I do more bed hugging these days but that is okay.

I have discovered a great new shortcut for cleaning the shower. I am so pleased with the result that I must share my new discovery. It may not be new to most people but I have just discovered something called a daily shower spray! It has cut out my weekly deep clean. Instead I only deep clean the shower every few weeks. I just need to spray this magical spray every day after we have finished using the shower and it keeps the shower clean. It is especially useful in hard water areas.

I like to use Method cleaning products so bought Method Daily Shower Cleaner in passion fruit scent which leaves the shower smelling amazing!

By the way, I am not sponsored by Method to promote their products. They are supposed to be environmentally friendly. The main reason why I use them is it is better for one’s health. No harmful fumes to inhale.